What is Life Cover?
Life cover will pay your dependents a pre-specified amount of money in the event of your death. It is there to ensure that your loved ones are provided for even if you are no longer alive.
Contact a LFSL adviser who will promptly prepare a quote that will suit your requirements. Your personal or business needs are unique and that is why we at LFSL will adopt a holistic financial needs analysis that works best for you.

Check out the AVIVA Risk Check Calculator.
*Subject to underwriting criteria, terms and conditions apply.
Life is unpredictable and if something were to happen to you, then consider the impact it would have on the people in your life that depend on you financially.
As a general suggestion death benefit is equal to a multiple of annual salary, your age and how many dependents you have. Perhaps consider what expenses your loved ones will have to deal with if you die unexpectedly. There may be a mortgage to pay, will your children need funds to cover college fees or go to university.
The information contained in this document does not constitute advice by Livingstone Financial Services Ltd. Any legal, technical, or product information contained in this document is subject to change from time to time.